Monday, 13 September 2010

E Books 1 - High Street 0

I've just been to the cinema to see Stephen Fry Live, sort of. He was performing at the Festival Hall and it was beamed into provincial cinemas.

We'd cut it a little fine for taking our seats and so when I saw that books were for sale at the event I thought 'oh good I'll get a copy at the end' (I'd already downloaded the free sample from iBooks and decided this was a book I wanted).
The event was fun, Fry read from his book and I enjoyed it and I knew I wanted to read it ASAP, hurrah I thought a new book!

The books weren't on sale at the end of the event.

Woe - like Fry and sugar I needed my book fix.

Within 10 minutes of being home I had a copy on my phone and as soon as I finish this post I'll be off to read it.

Sorry bookshop you lost out that time, and I now have another reason to love eBooks.