Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Theatre 2016: Review Twenty-One

Disney's Aladdin, Prince Edward Theatre,  London. July 2016.

After our fabulous trip to the Lion King back in March my sister and I were very excited to see that Disney were bringing Aladdin to the West End, tickets were duly purchased for my nephew's birthday treat.

I have to confess that Aladdin was a film that passed me by when Disney released it and I have only seen it once or twice since, apart from the wonderfully voiced Robin William's Genie not much about the film remains in my mind.  I wasn't worried about this however, as I'd just been wowed by another Disney stage production of another film I'm not a fan of!

On the surface absolutely everything was in place to make this another stunning hit - good acting, costumes, choreography, singing and staging plus some true magic in the flying carpet, I really don't know how they managed to make it fly (and I don't want to spoil the illusion by looking it up either)!

However for just some reason I didn't connect with the show completely, there was absolutely nothing wrong with the show at all but as a whole it just didn't wow me.  The sum of the parts just didn't quite make the spectacle I was expecting. At times it felt a little bit like a pantomime but there was no actual audience interaction  and the humour was over the heads of the young audience the show attracts.

I enjoyed my afternoon, my nephew, sister and brother-in-law were perfect theatre companions but even if I won tickets to this show I think I'd pass them on to someone else rather than watch it again. Happily my faith in Disney was completely restored the next day when we went to see Finding Dory at the cinema - Pixar/Disney do still make magic - just not in the magical tale of Aladdin.

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