Saturday, 21 January 2023

Micro Review 2 (2023)


Caroline: Little House, Revisited by Sarah Miller (HarperLuxe)

I've been a fan of the Little House on the Prairie books for pretty much as long as I've been a reader. Little House on the Prairie was one of my earliest purchases from the school book club leaflets and I still have that same edition almost 40 years on.

I was also a fan of the newer children's books that were written in the 1990s and explored the childhood lives of Laura Ingalls Wilder's ancestors, including her mother, Caroline.

I can't remember where I saw mention of this new story about Ma (Caroline) but it was my first book purchase of 2023 and I'm pleased to add it to my collection even if I'm not quite sure what to make of it nor who it is aimed at.

This book reworks the end of Little House in the Big Woods and all of Little House on the Prairie to tell these stories from an adult's point of view. For the most part the book does rehabilitate Ma from the passive character she appears in the originals and it is interesting to have an adult view of the nightmare journey the family undertook. rework the book as an adult tale the story has just been enhanced by adding references to Ma's pregnancy, the birth of Carrie and then marital relations between Pa and Ma. Without these the book would be fine for the original audience!

The fine line between keeping the spirit of the original and updating some of the more xenophobic views was done sensitively, and the afterword explains clearly how the decisions as to how this worked was informative. I also liked the way that as far as possible Miller managed to keep to Ingalls Wilder's timeline whilst including more of the actual happenings,

The story was fine and I quite enjoyed it but I'm not sure it added anything to the Little House story.

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