Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Distracted - or another apology for no blogging!


A bit of a gap in blog posts again - and to be honest a bit of a gap in my reading during August, and some of this is because of the new member in the Norfolkbookworm house...

Sadly we lost Mr Norfolkbookworm's aunt recently which was a bit of a shock to us all, but we are pleased that we've been able to rehome her much loved cat - Sooty.

It has been a long time since we had a cat and we're very happy that he's settling in well, although last week's heatwave was hard on a black cat.

It has meant that a lot of the time I usually spend reading has been spent with the cat, although as the weather turns again I am hoping that he will become my afternoon companion/hot water bottle as I catch up with all those books waiting for me...

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