Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Never decreasing piles

I think I've solved a problem...

...however much I read the piles around the house never seem to get smaller. I do pass books on when I've read them, whether to friends, family or charity so in theory the number of the books should either stay the same or decrease. With my eReader this should be doubly true (we won't talk about how much there is on there that I've not read yet).

This isn't the case and it was bothering me a little but I've had an epiphany.

Whenever I read a book about a new subject then I automatically want to read more about the subject.

Take last week - the failed theatre trip lead to me downloading the script to Three Days in May and devouring it.*

The topic was so interesting that I've instantly hunted out a couple of history books covering the events of May 1940 to learn more about it. Obviously these have bumped to the top of the to-be-read pile and once more books that had nearly reached the coveted position of 'next-to-be-read' have dropped down the pile.

Add in the new library books that are due any day and it is easy to see why I'll never get through the books waiting to be read.

I suppose that I could ban myself from buying/borrowing/downloading anything new until I've read everything that I own but we all know that is never going to happen!

* Let's not talk about how sad I am that I won't see this performed

1 comment:

  1. I could have written this article. I'm trying to be good and pass on books I know I won't read again and I haven't bought or downloaded any this year yet but still can't fit all my books into the space I have. It's hard though to keep the moratorium going - I do want to find out more about a subject I read about and when I find an author I like I just want to read all of their books.

    The good thing is I'll never run out of books so there's always a positive.
